Coming soon to Q Base 28 is SABC2’s groundbreaking new children’s environmentally themed reality show. Produced by Insync Productions, ‘Roughing It Out’ is the show that puts kids through their paces, testing both their mental and physical skills in the face of adrenalin fuelled eco-challenges, removing contestants from the comfort of urban living and immersing them back into nature.
Each week will see two teams of 4 kids, aged between 10 and 13 battle it out to prove that their endurance, strength, agility, problem solving, teamwork, dexterity and determination, will out rough their opponents’. In order to win those all-important points that will take them that one step closer to being crowned the ultimate Rough Kids, our teams will be seen racing through tree top canopies, sandboarding down some of South Africa’s largest dunes, diving with Great White sharks, tracking in the Karoo, rock climbing, abseiling and everything in between, whilst learning about current conservation issues affecting our planet and their future. ‘Roughing It Out’ promises to push the kids to the limit whilst engaging them with their environments, not to mention the weird and wonderful creatures encountered along the way!
Viewers will follow our dynamic teams through their trials and tribulations, whilst witnessing them develop as individuals and teammates as we see who truly possesses the courage, strength, knowledge, leadership and commitment to our planet needed in order to prove themselves capable of ‘Roughing It Out’.
Comprising of 26 weekly episodes, the show is due to commence broadcast on 12th September, at 4.40pm on Q Base 28. So tune in to find out who has what it takes when faced with the challenge of ‘Roughing It Out’!