10 October Meet with Mike Ward, Chief Operations Manager, WESSA
who will be in the Garden Route just after the WESSA Board strategic planning meeting and the Senior Managers and Regional Representatives meeting. He would like to meet up with members and give an overview of WESSA plans for the year ahead. There will be plenty of time for discussion and questions after a short presentation. Do come along – an opportunity to discuss all things WESSA with a senior executive does not come along too frequently!Venue:- Belvedere Church Hall 10-12h00
Directions: Turn LEFT off the N2 before the White bridge over the Knysna river and follow the signs to Belvidere. Continue on that road to Old Belvidere, where you will find the church on your left and the white Church Hall complex across the road.
Contact Secretary to organise vehicle sharing. . Tel: 044-873-4203 Fax 086 646 5458 email: wessageorge@isat.co.za
11 October -Mossel Bay will be paying homage to the world renowned shark research which is facilitated here in Mossel Bay in this year’s National Marine Month. Mossel Bay resident and white shark researcher Enrico Gennari will be featured on “Inside Natures Giants: The Great White Shark” which will be screened, free of charge, in the Granary at the Dias Museum at 18:30. The documentary focuses on the dissection of a 900kg, 4.3m adolescent female white shark, which was found dead in the shark nets off Coast of KwaZulu-Natal where she was then transported to Mossel Bay, headquarters to the white shark research facility Oceans Research, for scientific dissection. In this fascinating program, experts travel to South Africa and explain the great white sharks incredible anatomy and its interesting anatomical functions which separate it from other fish in the sea, including its incredible array of senses, its ability to detect electro-magnetic fields and the truth behind its powerful jaws.
11th of October 2011- a charity event in aid of Siyanithanda Disable centre in MosselBay, at Imekhaya Primary school, at 15:30, local choirs and great entertainers will be on stage in full support of Siyanithanda Disable centre. The centre was opened in 2000 by the great Mum. R. Makhi, is a non profit organisation, which takes care of Disable people from babies to young adults, it depends on donations to survive. We have been working the centre since the opening, we are trying to host events that will make a change in the centre. You can support buy buying tickets for only R20 p.p/ donate/ donate food, clothes, or visit the centre and assist the friendly staff. People with disabilities are our human Angels please do support this worthy cause and receive your blessings. For more information or to assist in any form please do not hesitate to contact us. Vuyo Mfumbe (Role model/ Mr. W.C 2011) Cell: 073 4860 320
12 Oktober -CANSA se jaarlikse Borskankerstap te ondersteun. Die Borskankerstap vir Mosselbaai vind vanjaar op 12 Oktober plaas. Ons vertrek 17:30 vir 18:00 vanaf die Ou Poskantoor Boom. Inskrywings kan nou reeds al by Curves in Mosselbaai gedoen word. Vir navrae kan Curves gekontak word by tel 044 695 4440 of CANS A George by tel 044 874 4824. Inskrywings kan ook die dag van die stap vanaf 16:30 by die vertrekpunt gedoen word.
Alle stappers, mans, dames, oud en jonk is welkom. Die koste is R25 per volwassene en R15 vir kinders. Alle fondse is ten bate van CA NSA.
12 to 15 October -The George Society of Arts brings you A Town, A Cow and A Ghost, in celebration of the City of George ’s 200th birthday. With 200 years behind us, you know there will be historical hysterics you never knew about or expected! From the pen of Richard Dickens, and under direction of Li Parker, this show encompasses comedy, drama and a bit of history. A must see for the whole family on 12 to 15 October at the George Arts Theatre. Book now at the theatre on 044 874 3142 or on Computicket.
13 Okt -TAKE UP A CHALLENGE – JOIN A CREATIVE CLASSThe journey of self-discovery, self-worth, self-love and nurturing cannot be over estimated.. Dekoratiewe verf tegnieke ART@39LONG te Langstraat 39 – Groot Brakrivier. 9:30 – 14:30. R350 pp. Laurinda Smit 082 73 88011. laurindasmit@vodamail.co.za
14-16 October – FESTIVAL OF FLOWERS ,From 10h00 am – 17h00 .The Floral arrangements and designs are to be based on the chosen theme of “TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL”. Tea and refreshments will be served all day, both days at the Church Hall nearby. All are invited to the opening service on the Friday morning. Tickets can be bought from any member of the Women`s Association of Searle Memorial Church.
Where: Searle Memorial Church, Great Brak River
Cost: R25.00
Contact: Agnes Sterley or Denise Holden
Tel: +2744-620 2845
+2744-690 5310
Vanjaar met die goeie reens hoop ons om die beste ooit blommeskou te hou hier in die Dias Museum op Mosselbaai.
Elke jaar verander ons die gebou in n massa blomme en mense kom van orals om te kyk. Ons poog om van orals in die omgewing mense te kry om in te skryf. Inskrywings is verniet en daar is pryse vir die beste in elke kategorie. Daar is afdelings vir allerhande rose, vir uitheemse sny blomme en struike en bolle , vir kruie, orgidiee , bonzai en dan n groot inheemse afdeling . Veral die buitelanders in die toerbusse geniet dit om te sien wat groei hier. Die proteas, speldekussings, tolbosse , bome, bolplante, erikas, ens blom nou pragtig en daar is nog hier en daar na alwyn. Skryf asb in vir die skou. Bring die blomme Don 14 Okt 16h00-19h00 of Vry 06h00 na die museum en kom kyk vrydag , Sat of Son . Inligting 0827728030
15 Oktober -Die drama Saartjie Baartman die vryheidssimbool, wat Mosselbaaiers volgende week te siene sal kry, is geskoei op die ware lewensverhaal van die Khoi volksheldin en ikoon, Saartjie Baartman. Haar tragiese lewensverhaal is die verpersoonliking van die gruwelike onreg en menseregskending wat teenoor slawe gepleeg is. Chilli Bruintjies, Mosselbaaise dramaturg en regiseur, het vir twee jaar navorsing oor die Khoi legende gedoen en sy sielvolle weergawe van haar lewe het hy in ‘n skouspelagtige produksie vasgevang. Jolene Du Toit, ‘n talentvolle plaaslike aktrise lewer n’ briljante vertolking van Saartjie. Die produksie word op Saterdag 15 Oktober in die Hoërskool Sao Bras se skoolsaal en op Sondag 16 Oktober in die Dias Museum se Amfiteater opgevoer. Hier volg die storie in kort, Dit is die hartroerende storie wat in die produksie uitgebeeld word.Albei vertonings begin om 7-uur nm. Toegang vir volwassenes is R20 en vir kinders is dit R10. Busvervoer is beskikbaar op navraag. Kontak Chilli Bruintjies vir kaartjies by 076 274 8942
21 Oktober -GROOT-BRAKRIVIER MUSIEKLIEFHEBBERS se volgende byeenkoms vind er om 18.30 vir 19.00 in die Ellen van Rensburg- Biblioteek, Groot-brakrivier, plaas. Ons gaan `n DVD van Verdi se Rigoletto wys met oa. Placido Domingo en Ileana Controbas as kunstenaars. Bring julle eie eet- en drinkgoed asook eetgerei en breekgoed saam. Kom bederf jouself met topgehalte musiek, lekkernye en geselskap. Alle liefhebbers van opera,en veral Verdi se Rigoletto, is baie welkom om die aand saam met ons te kom geniet. Vir verdere inligting skakel; Willem Bezuidenhout by 0845856573 of rig `n e-pos aan willemcon@gmail.com
21 – 23 October- African Relish – Prince Albert.FOOD BLOGGERS COURSE.Join us on a journey through the spice spectrum and treat your senses to a feast of exotic proportion as you learn the subtle art of blending and tempering spices, making a selection of masalas and some of the Indian bread classics.Using local Prince Albert seasonal produce, including a range of fresh vegetables, fruit, herbs and of course the famous fragrant lamb, we will be experimenting and getting creative with some interesting alternatives. . Virna Gouws Tel +27 23 541 1381 Fax +27 23 541 1386 Cell +27 72 582 8749
19th – 23rd. October – Birding event taking place in the Garden Route National Park and will be based at the Wilderness National Park section. The event is a fully catered for event and includes professional Bird guides to all venues as well as daily illustrated talks and addresses by Nationally known birders.083 325 9897
28 Oktober 2011 -NG GEMEENTE GROOT-BRAKRIVIER G E M E E N T E F E E S Die fees begin Vrydagmiddag om 17:00. Kom kuier lekker saam en bederf uself met ’n heerlike verskeidenheid eetgoed soos :Skaappotjie, vars groente, tuisgebak, kerrie en rys, boereworsrolle, pannekoek, poeding, koeldrank, tee & koffie en ‘n springkasteel vir die kinders. Om 19:00 begin die konsert, wat soos altyd, beloof om groot vermaak vir oud en jonk te wees. Navrae : 044 620 2205 / 044 620 2210
28 – 29 October Fynbos Eco FestivalThe traditional spring Fynbos plant sale at the Garden Route Botanical Garden continues to evolve into a more environmental event. WESSA is now more closely involved for the 3rd year and this year the name has also changed to make it more apparent what we are trying to achieve. There will be some changes in the layout of the event and also a system of payment using specialy printed FFC ( Fynbos Festival Currency ) which can be purchased at cash points in the garden and which can , of course, be converted back to ZAR if unused.
The environmental theme at the Garden will be „ENERGY ….. saving and alternatives“ and the exhibitions will be many and varied. WESSA will of course be there again……and we really need volunteers to help man the stall for a few hours. This opportunity will be used to celebrate WESSA’s 85th Anniversary.
If you or any contacts you have are interested in participating or exhibiting, please contact the Secretary or Colin Ralston, colinral@hotmail.com . Tel: 044-873-4203 Fax 086 646 5458 email: wessageorge@isat.co.za
29 Oktober OKTOBERFEST TE HOEKWIL. Kom kuier vanaf 12:00 tot laat en deel in die feestelikhede van ‘n tradisionele Duitse fees by ‘Beyond the Moon (7km vanaf Hoekwil op die Sewepaspad). Smullekker Duitse geregte (Eisbein, Brattwurst, Kassler, Sauerkraut, Kartoffelensalad ens.), Bier en Musiek. Ook ‘n grootskerm vir die Rugby-entoesiaste. Spesiale aanbod op voorafbespreekte kaartjies: Toegang + Duitse Maaltyd @ slegs R75. Pret en vermaak vir jonk en oud. Kontak: Brigitte Stewart 044 850 1642 / 083 453 3089; Jenny Smith 044 850 1526 / 082 497 3741; Liz Rostance 044 850 1536 / 084 621 2842.
29 October OKTOBERFEST AT HOEKWIL from 12:00 at ‘Beyond the Moon’ (7Km from Hoekwil on the Seven Passes Road) the traditional German hospitality and festivities will start. On the menu Eisbein, Kassler, Brattwurst, Sauerkraut, Kartofellensalad etc. Beer, Music and a Big Screen for the Rugby. Pre-Booked Ticket Special: Entrance + German meal @ only R75. Fun for young and old. Please contact: Brigitte Stewart 044 850 1642 / 083 453 3089; Jenny Smith 044 850 1526 / 082 497 3741; Liz Rostance 044 850 1536 / 084 621 2842.