Radical Raptors – fascinating encounters

If you’re a tour guide or tour operator looking for an unusual and exciting new product on the Garden Route, this one’s for you.

Radical Raptors is a birds of prey rehabilitation and awareness centre that rescues, rehabilitates and releases birds of prey. But not all birds are suitable for release – and many of those that aren’t are willing and beautiful participants in the thrice-daily flying displays which falconer Dennis Robson presents at 11:00, 1:00 and 3:00.

Flying displays take place every day (except Mondays out of season), and cost R60 for adults, R50 for pensioners, and R40 for kids (3-12 years of age. Group discounts and STO rates are available on request). The shows last about 45 minutes during which time there are plenty of opportunities to hold some of the birds on your – gloved – hands. And, of course, all the birds fly free.
The centre is situated at The Heath, about 10 km from Plett on the N2 to Knysna, and there’s plenty of parking for cars and coaches. Also, there are no steps to be negotiated – so it’s easy access for all.

Aside from flying displays, Radical Raptors also makes and sells owl boxes (if you can’t carry an owl box home in your luggage, you can download a set of plans from the Radical Raptors site) – and there’s a small art and crafts gallery that stocks locally made products. You might also be lucky enough to see work by Dennis’ partner, Janet Forrest (who recently completed a project called 100 Days – 100 Sketches. 100 sketches of birds of prey, that is – you’ll find them on Facebook).

And, of course, Radical Raptors is totally geared to hosting groups and functions.

The Heath is a well known wayside stop that features a restaurant, a gift shop, a furniture and interior décor gallery, and a nursery – and a wonderful woodsy playground for the kids.

For more, contact Janet on +27 (0)83 382 2417 or +27 (0)44 532 7537 janet@radicalraptors.co.za – or find Radical Raptors on Facebook.

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