Make Money with Bloomrr!  is a South African website that specializes in the micro-job market. Given the state of the job market currently, Bloomrr fills a significant need which will allow people to earn money using any skills they possess – while all the marketing for their service/product occurs through and via social networking platforms. The type of services that can be provided through the portal are practically endless and limited to the creativity of the users themselves.

Kulile Gobinca, a Cape Town based entrepreneur, had this to say about

“Bloomrr is a great platform for those who want to make money by providing their services and expertise online. Currently it is very difficult to break into the market because people/companies want to deal with the tried and tested service providers.

Bloomrr offers up and coming service providers a chance to put their foot on the door, and start building their profiles and reputation as reliable providers who product quality products for their clients.”

On the Bloomrr website, you will be able to find freelancers from industries such as web design, customer service and writing, which employers contract to do jobs relating to their field. One can find freelancers who are willing to jobs for various prices, starting as low as R25.

The website is divided up in different categories such as Design, Fun & Bizarre and Writing. All employers have to do is select the category they want, and search for freelancers in that specific category.

Listed below are some tips on how you can earn money from home by becoming a member on Bloomrr:

. Present yourself in a Unique Way – These types of websites for freelancers are becoming very popular; as such, there are a lot of persons that are posting the same kind of jobs. In order to stand out among your competitors, you should take the time to present yourself in a unique way that will make employers want to hire you.

. Make a Post on Each Board – Although has a lot of traffic coming in, that does not mean that you cannot post your job on another board. You will never know when and where an employer is looking for freelancers to hire.

. Show Proof – It is quite easy for someone to say that they are capable of doing something, when in fact they are not. Therefore, in order to show employers that you are capable of the job at hand, create a portfolio with samples of your work and upload it to your advertised gig.

. Do Not Over Do It – Now because you have a lot of requests from employers, does not mean that you should take on several jobs. You should take the time out to complete each job carefully. You should only take on a few jobs at any one time.

Furthermore, it is better to take on one job and deliver to the client’s specification, than to take on several small jobs and producing inferior quality work. Remember, great feedback is what will secure future business.

. Have an Impressive Resume – Resumes are what get freelancers hired; therefore, you should take the time out to create a resume that will impress those seeking to hire you. How do you achieve this? Upload sample work and keep delivering great quality work at an affordable price. The positive ratings from your customers will count in your favour when securing additional work.

These are just a few of the ways in which you can earn money from home by becoming a member of These tips will work for all freelancers including students wanting to earn money. is a great place for freelancers to go when they are trying to earn money online; as such, you should not hesitate to take advantage of this great opportunity.

Aasif Rawoot can be contacted via telephone if further details are required.

Contact details:
Aasif Rawoot, Co-founder, mobile 082 924 3045, email

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