Friday 28 October 2011 – Tonight, the Western Cape Education Department will announce the names of the top teachers in the province.
The department is honouring 47 regional and provincial winners and will present awards in eight categories.
The awards follow a rigorous selection process in all eight education districts of the province and regional finals involving clusters of districts.
The awards form part of the National Teaching Awards programme managed by the Department of Basic Education (DBE).
About 32 000 teachers in the Western Cape were eligible for nomination. The names of the provincial winners will go forward to the national competition.
The provincial adjudication panel spent many hours identifying the winners according to strict criteria provided by the DBE.
The panel included representatives of all sectors of the education community, including all teacher trade unions, school governing body associations and WCED officials.
The awards recognize excellence in teaching and education leadership and provide an opportunity to showcase and celebrate excellence throughout the education system.
The eight categories are:
• Excellence in Grade R Teaching
• Excellence in Primary School Teaching (Grades 1 – 7)
• Excellence in Secondary School Teaching (Grades 8 – 12)
• Excellence in Primary School Leadership
• Excellence in Secondary School Leadership
• Excellence in Special Needs Teaching
• Excellence in Adult Basic Education & Training Levels 1 – 4 in the GET Band
• Lifetime Achievement Award
The DBE will announce the date of the national awards later.
Address by Minister for Education in the Western Cape, Donald Grant
National Teaching Awards – Provincial Awards
Kelvin Grove, Newlands
28 October 2011.
Distinguished Guests
Awards Recipients
Members of the Teaching Profession and the WCED
Ladies and Gentlemen
It is a great pleasure to be here today celebrating excellence in teaching.
Each and every one of the 47 individuals that we are honouring here tonight has demonstrated commitment and dedication to the teaching profession. And we are delighted to publicly thank the outstanding teams or individual teachers in our schools.
A greek poet, Niko Kazantzakis, once wrote – “True teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross; then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create their own.”
We are lucky here in the Western Cape to have so many educators that do exactly that – they use themselves as the bridges for their learners to cross – preparing them for departure in the outside world.
Every day, thousands of excellent teachers go selflessly beyond the call of duty to ensure that their learners receive the best quality tuition they deserve.
They influence our thoughts, our outlook on life, they inspire us, and they encourage us to be the best we can be, and for that they are in turn loved and revered by the learners that pass through their classroom door each year.
But a ‘true teacher’ is also one that constantly evolves – and is open to developing their teaching skills throughout their career. I have been overwhelmed this year at the positive response we have had in this province to all our teaching conferences and workshops and it demonstrates the level of commitment we have here in the province for the provision of quality education.
I do honestly feel that, for whatever reason, there recently is a renewed sense of hope and determination amongst our teaching corps and I believe that this will ultimately lead to better learner outcomes. I hope we can all, together, harness this positive attitude in the year to come.
But right now, sitting before me tonight, I have 47 of our province’s top teachers who are both admired and respected within their school and in their communities.
For your contribution towards excellence in our schools I would like to say thank you.
We recognize your outstanding loyalty and devotion to your learners and we are proud of your achievements.
Congratulations to you all.
I certainly hope that we, as the WCED, can live up to your expectations in treating you all like the valued professionals you are.
Thank you.
Category: Excellence in Adult Basic Education & Training
Name: Ms Bernadette Bailey
Worcester Community Learning Centre (86 Tulbagh Street, Worcester)
Tel nr: 023-342 7633/6
Cell nr: 079 562 3144
Category: Excellence in Primary School Teaching
Name: Ms Alletta [Almaret] du Toit
Hexvallei High School (Voortrekker Road, De Doorns)
Tel nr: 023-256 2229
Cell nr: 082 774 4225
Category: Excellence in Secondary School Leadership
Name: Mr Archie Benjamin
Mountview High School (Athwood Road, Hanover Park)
Tel nr: 021-692 1359
Cell nr: 084 453 0304
Category: Excellence in Secondary School Teaching
Name: Mr Roland Rudd
Wynberg Boys’ High School (Lovers’ Walk, Wynberg)
Tel nr: 021-797 4247
Cell nr: 073 153 1687
Category: Excellence in Special Needs Teaching
Name: Mr Leigh Dunn
Formosa Primary School (Geelhout Street, New Horizons, Plettenberg Bay)
Tel nr: 044-533 1621
Cell nr: 082 084 2636
Category: Lifetime Achievement Award
Name: Ms Rosaline Makan
Dellville Park Primary School (Lynx Street, Pacaltsdorp)
Tel nr: 044-878 2300
Cell nr: 072 210 9109
Category: Excellence in Grade R Teaching
Name: Ms Nomaweza Mangqwengqwe
Ms Somikazi Mtya
Ms Nomvume Sophazi
Umnqophiso Pre-Primary School – Team (15573 Nonkqubela Street, Lwandle, Strand)
Tel nr: 021-845 6305
Cell nr: 083 986 6744
Category: Excellence in Primary School Leadership
Name: Mr Kevin Pretorius
Rocklands Primary School (Capricorn Street, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain)
Tel nr: 021-392 2010
Cell nr: 072 018 9440