NSRI Holiday Activities

Station 14, Plettenberg Bay: 

3 January 2012: Plett run

Offthehook Runner Challenge in aid of NSRI

What: 12km coastal run

Where: Starts at 8am from The Waves in Keurbooms and finish at Offthehook Seafood Café in Plettenberg Bay.

Cost: The entry fee is R150 and includes a burger and beer as well as a donation to NSRI.

For more information: Wayne Craig, tel (044) 533-0796 

Station 15, Mossel Bay: 

2 January 2012: Mossel Bay run

What: 10km beach run, 5km fun run and 8km surfski race

Where: Registration from 7am, starts at 4pm at Diaz Beach, Mossel Bay

Details: Participants compete against the time they predict on their entry forms, and the winners are those whose times are the closest. Participants are not allowed to wear a watch.

Prizes: R10 000 worth of prizes are up for grabs.

Sponsored by New Balance and Tekkie Town. 

Station 23, Wilderness: 

17 December : Wilderness Street Collection

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