Globeflight Offers Complete Transport and Logistic Services!

Transport and logistics solutions are being offered under a single umbrella by Globeflight. Quick to respond, reliable to boot with proof of delivery assured, Globeflight is a South Africa postal service which can vie with any international courier company .

Based out of Johannesburg, SA, Globeflight has been a prominent player in the logistics marketplace since 1998, when it was formed. The range of services offered is vast, from courier, freight to mailing services, catering to both the domestic and international destination. It uses various vendors for running a seamless business. From various airline companies to international road freight companies, Globeflight brings to South Africa mail service a cutting edge that is truly international. It has a wide network reaching to nearly six hundred localities in SA. From door to door personalized delivery to bulky delivery orders that require experience, Globeflight handles the entire gamut of logistics business with elan. It is a unique service provider and offers a complete, end-to-end solution to its clients. Priced competitively, it has affordable rates and delivers packages without fail, be it express or ordinary.

Headquartered in Johannesburg, Globeflight, offers to its customers unsurpassed service and a competitively superior experience. Globeflight aims to offer the market a “turn-key” solution and a total distribution package of the highest quality. It is an approachable organization, and maintains its open channels with customers at all times. One-on-one interaction with the customers makes the customer/supplier relationship seamlessly efficient. Globeflight is highly flexible, and has a customized approach. Currently, Globeflight is planning to expand its horizons and become a global player.

About Globeflight:
South Africa based Globeflight is high quality service provider and a tough contender within the logistics marketplace. It is fast becoming a market leader in South African courier industry.

Contact Details:
Contact Person: Eddie Meyer
Company Name: Globeflight
Office Telephone Number: +270119222600
Web site address:

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