Indaba Day 2

Hello, Twitizens!

And bloggys, Pinteresters, and LinkedInners. And children.


Here’s a tip: sign up for a free account on, and search for Marta Kagan – and particularly, look for her social media presentations (you’ll know them by all the double ** asterisks). Now read, and download for future reference.

The numbers are scarier than a thousand feral teenagers in idiot mode. Just a few examples: Twitter processed an average of twenty seven million (27,000,000) tweets every day in 2011, which is eight (8) times more than it handled in – are you ready for this? – 2010.

Then: when it comes to travel, 73% of Asians search the net before they buy.

And again: more than half of the world’s population is under 30, and a long-term survey by Ogilvy PR Worldwide revealed that more than 90% of Hong Kong’s eighteen- to thirty-year-olds used social media every single day in 2006. By 2008, that number had climbed to almost 100%.

Also: the Kaiser Family Foundation’s 2010 report ‘Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-Year-Olds’ reckoned that “Kids are leading the world’s transition to digital media. This is in part because kids aren’t afraid of technology and in part because kids haven’t spent years getting used to anything else.”

So you see why social media is the biggest, no, I mean the Biggest challenge to traditional marketing? And why traditional marketing is like a Model T Ford? (Attractive but quaint – and lost on 99% of the population. Because it’s so, like, nineteenth (19th) century.)

And it’s not only social media – it’s social media by mobile. *They* are already telling that by 2014 we’ll be using more internet on our mobiles than on our desktops. And this year? Google predicts that 8% of mobile users will book their travel on phones or tablets in 2012.

Oh, and the Apple App store: 25 billion downloads thus far. (25 billion? Forget it, I’m not writing that one out for you: there’s not enough space here for all those zeros).

And all of this is changing our daily habits because the mobile/social net is personal, touchable, instant, shareable, sticky, largely free, cross-device and cross-platformmed, linked to the physical, location-aware, and – never forget this – transactionable.

And if you don’t know what any of that means, you’re definitely a Model T. (Which, as their inventor said, you can have in any colour you like, as long as it’s black. But today’s children want their cars hybrid, built to suit them – and not Henry Ford – and very, very colourful. Just like their information.)

So. How are *you* doing in the social media and mobile worlds?

Zipcast: Responsible Tourism at Indaba

I’ve been collecting information about Responsible Tourism at Indaba as I promised I would, and getting ready for my Zipcast about it, which’ll take place this coming Tuesday (the 15th) at 4:00 p.m. SA time (GMT+2).

If you want to watch my PowerPoint presentation – and join the conversation – you need to register for an account on, and then join me in my meeting room – – just before4:00.

Catch you then!

Twitter at Indaba

Twitter’s been humming all day here at Indaba, so if you’re not inDurban, follow these #hashtags to find out what’s going down:

Indaba: #Indaba2012

Responsible Tourism: #RTyear2012 and #ResponsibleTourism

Watch how Indaba is doing againstNew Zealand’s TRENZ 2012 tourism trade show (Queenstown, 7 to 10 May) by following the Hashtag Battle here. (Last time I looked, #Indaba2012 had 1,094 against 281 for #trenz2012.) 

And in case you’re wondering who to follow at Indaba: @MartinHatchuel, of course.

Now go away on holiday – it’s in the economy’s best interests.

… And in the meantime… have a GREAT tourism week!

Martin Hatchuel – BarefootWriter

Want To Advertise to more than 10,000 names in the Tourism Industry? Want to tap into the power of internet marketing? Want to speak to my audience? Mail me – – and let’s see how This Tourism Week can work for you.

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This Tourism Week – a free service brought to you by – is a personal e-letter and informed commentary on issues affecting South Africa’s tourism industry. Please note that the articles in This Tourism Week may only be reproduced with permission (want it? Mail me – ).

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Martin Hatchuel,

63 Wilson Street,

Hunter’s Home,

PO Box2690, Knysna


Cell +27(0)84 951 0574

Proudly Barefoot. Fully South African

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