Current Service Providers that have not re-registered on the Western Cape Government’s Supplier Database are requested to do so by1 September 2012. Suppliers that are not duly registered by this date will not be able to do business with the Western Cape Government from1 September 2012.
In order to stream-line the process of awarding tenders, prevent any corruption, ensure that providers are tax compliant and adhere to new broad-based black economic empowerment requirements, in November 2011 the Western Cape Provincial Treasury embarked on a process of updating and revamping the province’s Supplier Database. All businesses that were registered on the Supplier Database were requested to re-register by1 April 2012.
Despite repeated calls via various avenues and extensions of deadlines, of the targeted 9000 suppliers only 5000 have duly re-registered and 1000 are currently semi-registered.
To ensure that all suppliers were aware and informed of this requirement the Western Cape Government undertook workshops in the Central Karoo, Eden, Overberg, West Coast and the Cape Town Metro to inform service providers of this decision and to discuss BBBEE requirements.
In addition, radio and print adverts were placed in various radio stations and newspapers to inform suppliers of the new requirements. Brochures and leaflets were also distributed to all Suppliers and the requirement included in Bid Documents.
In March 2012, Western Cape Departments indicated that there was a slow response from suppliers who had not taken the necessary steps to adhere to the 1 April 2012deadline. To allow suppliers a further chance to reregister, we extended the deadline to1 July 2012. Two teams were established to follow up with the supplier registration process, one directly with the Provincial Treasury Department and the other one situated at the Ariba offices, the service provider in charge of managing the Supplier Database.
A core group within the Provincial Treasury was established to work through the list of suspended suppliers and semi completed registrations in order to resolve these matters. This core group forwarded letters and emails to all suppliers requesting them to provide the outstanding mandatory documentation immediately in order to expedite their registration. Suppliers were also contacted telephonically to inform them of outstanding mandatory documentation in order to complete the registration process.
The deadline was further extended to1 September 2012.
Interested Suppliers are called upon to contact the Western Cape Supplier Database Helpdesk on: 0861 225-577 or 021 680-4666 / to update their profiles if suspended or apply for new registration by1 September 2012.