Schools try to stop closure

Donald Grant

CAPE TOWN- A Cape Town lawyer on Monday said he would be filing an urgent interdict requesting the suspension of schools closures.

A total of 20 schools in the Western Cape have been decommissioned by Education MEC Donald Grant.

Grant made the announcement earlier this year.

He believes the closures are in the best interest of teachers and pupils as many of the institutions have multigrade teaching.

Jerald Andrews, who has been mandated by 18 of the schools, said the Education Department will be served papers on Monday morning.

“We have drafted and commissioned all the papers. The application is ready to be issued and filed.  It will be done on Monday morning and the matter will be set down for this coming Friday.”

He said his instructions are that many of the schools feel they were not properly consulted about the closures.

“In certain instances there was a big shortfall with compliance. My instruction is to get the Minister to comply with the Schools Act and consult with school governing bodies before making a decision.”

Public hearings were held and submissions were provided before the final decision was made.

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