Level Crossing Awareness Important To TFR
Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) as an organisation places a significant amount of emphasis on driving home the importance of adhering to safety rules and regulations; this is done through campaigns that raise awareness to pedestrians and motorists alike. As the festive season looms TFR will once again with the assistance of its internal and external stakeholders look to entrench this importance to the public via level crossing campaigns that will be held on the 30th of November 2012 at the Worcester and Bellville crossings.
Addressing issues associated with inappropriate behaviour by motorists at level crossings is what the campaign will seek to do. The message that TFR wants them to understand is simple, “ALWAYS STOP AT A LEVEL CROSSING”. By doing so motorists will be able to see and hear if a train is about to pass through and therefore take the necessary precautions needed so that they remain safe and their lives and the lives of their passengers intact.
Motorists should always take into account that a train cannot swerve to avoid an accident and a freight train can take up to 2km to come to a complete standstill! It is also important to know that according to traffic regulations, a train has the right of way.
Through the support of the public and all stakeholders, TFR will be able to reduce and ultimately eradicate the occurrence of level crossing incidents, which will have a positive impact on the organisation and the country as a whole.
The Level Crossing Campaigns will take place in the following areas in the Southern Cape:
1. Grootbrak Rivier – Voorbaai
2. George Town Crossing
Issued by Transnet Freight Rail, Corporate Affairs Department
For further information contact:
Lipuo Lebakeng
Corporate Affairs Specialist
Transnet Freight Rail
Mobile 073 800 0497
E-mail: Lipuo.lebakeng@transnet.net