USN leads the way in protein supplementation development

USN-logo_transparent_rgbUltimate Sports Nutrition (USN), which has been at the forefront of sports nutrition research, has today set a new benchmark in whey protein supplementation with the launch of USN Elite Whey Gold.

Commenting on the product, Gareth Powell, National Training Manager at USN, said “USN Elite Whey Gold will take whey protein supplementation to a new level and assist users with faster recovery and heightened lean mass retention after strenuous exercise.”

The product’s unique formulation includes highly bio-available, undenatured whey protein from both isolate and concentrate forms that deliver an unmatched 77-79% protein (dependent on flavour) per 100g which allows for an exceptionally high amino acid uptake and conversion.

“High quality whey protein supplementation has been proven to offer exceptional performance and recovery benefits thanks to the increased nitrogen production and retention levels. All of the vital protein fractions are retained, of which the main bioactive compounds are alpha-lactalbumin, betalactoglobulin, serum albumin, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, and bioactive immunoglobulin’s (antibodies), many of which have been shown to significantly improve immune system functioning,” explains Powell.

USN’s Elite Whey Gold includes Tolerase™ L, a designer digestive enzyme that has been created to help accelerate the breakdown of lactose to enhance digestive comfort and improve supplementary response in lactose intolerant individuals.

The product is available in Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla in a 1.82kg pack and is simply mixed with water. USN Elite Whey Gold can be taken upon waking, before a workout to ensure optimal amino acid levels, after a workout session to help with amino acid replenishment or even before sleep to help efficient protein uptake.

“If you want to enhance training, manage your fatigue tolerance levels and significantly improve recovery and amino acid replenishment, Elite Whey Gold is the premium whey supplement of choice,” concludes Powell. 

About Ultimate Sports Nutrition (USN)

USN is a comprehensive and healthy lifestyle nutrition supplement brand. We pride ourselves in being a trusted sports supplement brand with a passion to offer superior products by demanding the absolute highest standard at all times.

Our formulations are based on the latest scientific global research and findings. We develop and provide a wide spectrum of products covering various categories based on physical goals and needs. And, our universal commitment to quality, safety and efficacy, as well as our careful selection of internationally approved, specialist vendors ensures that the USN brand guarantees consistency and superiority to a standard unrivalled in the industry.

USN products are available at independent and speciality retail stores, gyms, major national and international FMCG group stores and pharmacies, as well as a global presence in over 43 countries on three continents. For more information visit or follow USN on Facebook and Twitter


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