A thought for the day keeps the clients away

It’tccsts dawning and I appreciate the birds in the garden.  So many different tunes.  I hug my pillow, hoping to doze off a few minutes more before the selfish alarm clock will wake me.

Then – a WhatsApp.  I allow my brain to register the irritating sound.  Quite different from those of the birds.  ‘This time of the morning?  What time is it?’  Suddenly I’m wide awake and sit up straight.  It could be an emergency, or my grandchild who needs my assistance for a school project.  She often does that, but not before school.  I read: ‘Wat beteken dit? More!’  I scroll down the reply:  ‘Ek maak net ‘n groep oop vir bulk sms’e as ek nuus wil deurstuur!  Jy is vroeg wakker!  Wanneer kom kuier julle hier in George.’  I scroll down.  Response from another WhatsApp user:  ‘More, dis Liezel v Renard wat saam met Ruben in gr I is.  Jy dalk deurmekaar met ander Liezel.’  And I am flippen Ria Vorster who loves my bed this time of the morning!  I now wrestle with my pillow. Forcing him to give me the best, most comfortable position with immediate effect so that I could still have my last minutes before the alarm goes off at 06:00. I am trying to figure out what has just happened to me.  Then – another WhatsApp.  I give up.  Scooping the Ricoffy into my favourite mug I begin to read.  It’s from Mark: ‘Rede vir die whats app???’  I notice all the grey numbers in the background that were also victims and I know how they feel.  I am also familiar with the culprit who started all this, this morning.  I recall the regular ‘thought for the day with the smiley faces and little objects at the end of the message in the left hand corner and that brings me to my topic today:  Professional people don’t do that.  If you are an entrepreneur who would like to expand your business, and you want to use WhatsApp as a marketing tool, why not rather advertise your products or an event? (Without fairies and smiley faces.)  Maybe we would not have minded that much if your WhatsApp informed us at that time of the morning of a special deal.  A thought for the day could be inspiring, but in the corporate world we have no time to appreciate and reminisce on sentimental values.  We would rather appreciate a one-on-one contact whilst appreciating the thought of a possible growth in the economy.  Good night.  I am going early to bed.  I need to make up the five minutes I lost this morning.

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Adding value to my domain hosting and online advertising services.
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