Athletics SWD: What’s happening this week

aswdPlease find below the Entry Forms for the McDonalds 10km (12 February 2014) and Cango 21.1km / 42.2km (22 February 2014).


  • Remember to forward your License registration forms to Karla  ( OR Fax 044-8730024 OR hand in at ASWD Office)

AND please tell your athletes to wear their chips.

22 Feb Infantry School Cango and 42.2km


Held under the rules of ASA and ASWD.  All competitors must comply with the rules, regulations and instructions given by officials, marshals and traffic officials.  Non-compliance may lead to disqualification.  The Race Referee’s decision is final.  The Race Organizer reserve the right to accept / reject any entry received.
Club Colours:  Athletes must participate in their correct club colours and display the ASA 2014 license numbers on the front and back of the vest, All other runners must display temporary number on front and back of vest.  No advertising allowed.
Cut-off time:  10km = 1 ½ hrs
Distance markers:  Will be placed at every kilometre.
Foreigners:  All foreign athletes must comply with IAAF rule 142 and 4.2.  Foreign athletes must be able to produce a letter from their respective federation permitting them to participate on race day.
Proof of Age:  Athletes must give proof of their age at the request of the Race Referee. (Original ID / Birth Certificate / Permanent Residence Permit)
Refreshment Tables:  Water tables will be available 10km ( 3 water tables ) and 5km ( on the halfway mark)
Road:  Athletes must stay on the right hand side of the road at all times, unless instructed differently by the marshals and Traffic Officers.
Safety Rule (ALL DISTANCES):  No Earphones (IAAF Rule 144.2b), Animals (ASA Rule 21.4.1) or Racers (ASA Rule 21.4.3) allowed.
Seconding:  No seconding from cyclists or private vehicles will be allowed on the route.  Personal seconding will only be permitted within 1m on either side of a refreshment station.
Age Tags: Participants will be eligible for prizes in the OPEN category and the age category for which they have entered provided the relevant OFFICIAL ASWD age category tag or junior tags is displayed front and back.  Participants may enter the age category corresponding to their chronological age or any younger category down to SENIOR. (Red age tag or Orange “W” tag)


Entry Fee

Temp Lic Fee

Minimum Age

Fun Run R20(adults) R5 (kids)


9 years




15 years

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