Disabled persons of the Eden region handled as priority

Various role-players devoted towards the equal rights of people living with disabilities, assembled to discuss the Draft Disability Plan for the Eden district.

Officials from the Department: Local Government, Department: Social Development, Department: Health, B-municipalities within the Eden region, as well as the George Association for People living with Disabilities, attended the work session.
Officials from the Department: Local Government, Department: Social Development, Department: Health, B-municipalities within the Eden region, as well as the George Association for People living with Disabilities, attended the work session.

The work session that was hosted by Eden’s Social Development Unit and facilitated by the Department of Local Government’s Ms Wendy Bingham took place on Wednesday, 5 March 2014.  The session started off on a note where a role-play portrayed the real realities such as uncertainty, confusion etc. that disabled persons are faced with on a daily basis.

The main aim of the discussion was for all parties to give input or comment on the content of the document that will bring hope to all the people affected by some sort of disability within the Eden district.

The document contains the current statistics on disability in the Eden region, the roles of various government departments, action plans for all municipalities in the Eden region, strategies for people living with disabilities and the families of the disabled, such as to:

–    Create access to information about Acts and Policy affecting people living with disability (PWD);
–    The development of a database of services available to PWD, their families and the NGO sector;
–    Current demographic information about PWD, including their strengths and assets;
–    The facilitation of the implementation of an Advocacy programme for the rights of PWD;
–    The facilitation of the implementation of public education /and awareness on disability programmes; and
–    The facilitation of the development and delivery of programmes that strengthen and develop life skills for PWD and their families.

Representatives from the B-municipalities within the Eden region, Department: Local Government, Department of Social Development, Department of Health, as well as the George Association for People living with Disabilities, attended the work session.

It is envisaged, after the document is finalised, it be tabled before the Eden District Council by June this year, for adoption.

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