George to unlock economic opportunity offered by film industry

cape-film-commissionIn recent months interest in filming in the Eden District has grown with the Cape Film Commission (CFC) reporting an increase in the number of inquiries from local and international film and TV producers. These requests range from inquiries relating to the Avengers sequel which is currently being filmed – to the new version of Dracula, many reality TV series, natural history documentaries as well as commercials.

The George Municipality has seen a corresponding increase in requests for filming in the region and contacted the Cape Film Commission (CFC) for assistance and advice. The ongoing interaction brought about the realisation that there was a need to broaden the discussions.   There are clearly plenty of benefits to be derived from filming opportunities – from direct economic investment to training, tourism development and job creation.

The George Municipality, in conjunction with the Cape Film Commission (CFC) has organised a series of workshops and interactions that will take place in George on the 17th and 18th March 2014.  Topics to be discussed include: Locations, film permits, training, marketing, insurances, logistics around filming and attracting filming to the region through the Cape Film Commission and other channels.

Officials from surrounding municipalities in the Eden District will attend alongside representatives of Western Cape Provincial Property, SANParks and Cape Nature.  Local resident members of the Cape Film Commission (CFC) have also been invited to attend to act as a catalyst for growth.  Detail on an open public workshop on 17 March for interested parties is currently being finalised.

The CFC is currently leveraging funding from Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for projects. These projects will be discussed and highlighted in order to give the Eden district the opportunity to engage on potential local projects.

Executive Mayor of George, Charles Standers said, “George prides itself on being a local authority that supports and enables the economy and most importantly is responsive to trends and opportunities.  Film is a growing industry in the Western Cape, we are positive that we can attract some of that growth to George and in so doing support growth and job creation locally.”

Mr Denis Lillie, the CEO of the Cape Film Commission (CFC) said, “Having spent many years working with the Eden District on the planning for World Cup 2010, I am aware of the natural beauty of the Garden Route and the towns and villages within it. Many lend themselves to filming and I am convinced that the 30% increase in filming activity seen in Cape Town over recent years, can be brought to the Eden District to stimulate filming as part of the local economy.”

For further enquiries on the workshop, please contact Carli Bunding-Venter, Manager of Local Economic Development for George Municipality on

Should you wish to take advantage of free membership of the Cape Film Commission, please notify or visit their website at and download the application form.

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