Sanelisiwe Nyasulu, a Director in the Labour Department, Garlicke & Bousfield, has been appointed to the KwaZulu-Natal Chapter of the South African Society for Labour Law (SASLAW). SASLAW is a non-profit organisation which promotes the advancement of labour law as a legal and academic discipline, and facilitates collaboration between lawyers and other experts within the field.
“My nomination came as an unexpected surprise and a great honour,” said Sane. “I have always been impressed by the high-calibre people who serve on SASLAW’s regional committees, continuously aspiring to reach their levels of commitment and professionalism. As a committee member, one plays a very important role within the organisation, organising regular seminars which create ongoing opportunities for learning, networking, debating and general progress. The trust my peers have placed in me through their collective endorsement means a lot to me.”
One of Sane’s first duties has been to assist her committee members in organising SASLAW’s popular and prestigious Women’s Day event to be held August 14th. To this end she has secured her mother in law, well-known South African business woman, Hixonia Nyasulu, as the event’s guest speaker.
In addition to her SASLAW membership, Sane is also a member of the HR forum at the Durban Chamber of Commerce, serving on the Skills Development Task Team which aims at facilitating prospective employer/employee relationships in order to produce competent employment candidates. She also assists the office of Pro Bono.Org at the Labour Court (Durban), providing legal services to the underprivileged. She used to broadcast a one hour show with Inanda FM, giving legal advice on various employment issues. She is the Pro bono Officer at Garlicke & Bousfield and serves as Trustee of KayTech Empowerment Trust, and a Non-Executive Director of KayMac (Pty) Ltd.