WESSA Spring Succulent Tour at Gamkaberg/ Groenefontein

Saturday, 6 September 2014 

Join us for a day excursion to explore the biodiversity of succulents in the Little Karoo. Learn more about the amazing adaptations of these plant treasures from our enthusiastic guide for the day, Louis Jordaan.

Gibbaeum heathii (Bababoudjies / Baby’s Bum) Courtesy of Louis Jordaan. 
Gibbaeum heathii (Bababoudjies / Baby’s Bum) Courtesy of Louis Jordaan.

The plan is to meet at Gamkaberg Nature Reserve Reception Area at 9am for introductory talks by Tom Barry (Manager of the Reserve) and Louis Jordaan (Owner of Minwater and well known expert on flora of the Little Karoo).

Admission to the Reserve is limited. It is thus advisable to book early.

Participation fees: R100 for WESSA members and R120 for non-members. Proceeds will go towards funding WESSA Environmental Education Projects.

Since the condition of roads is subject to rainy conditions, vehicles with a moderately high clearance are recommended. It is also requested that participants share lifts to reduce our carbon footprint and impact on the Reserve.

Participants are to bring along picnic lunches, refreshments and camping chairs. Optional extras, for ardent botanists, include a hand lens and a copy of “Plants of the Klein Karoo” by Jan and AnneLise Vlok.

Closer to the time, a route map to Gamkaberg Nature Reserve will be sent out to participants. Please contact Annemarie Gebhardt for bookings and tour information:  083 3013248  or e-mail: angebhar@telkomsa.net

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