Calling Women Entrepreneurs Eden/Garden Route district

sedaSEDA is sponsoring a number of Women’s Enterprise Coaching programmes around the country and we will be working with the SEDA branch in George to launch  the Eden District programme.   Dr Ricardo Dames from Real Development has been tasked to run the SEDA Women’s Coaching programme in the Eden District and I will be the lead coach on the programme. We are looking for women business owners (or managers with strategic decision-making power) whose businesses are in the I million rand turnover range who want grow their business.

This programme is fully funded by SEDA and so there is no cost to the business and the experience from our East London programme and others around country has been extremely successful with turnover, employment and personal leadership growth.

Calling Women Entrepreneurs – Eden District

SMME Baseline Form for SEDA Mentoring Programme

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Adding value to my domain hosting and online advertising services.
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