Doing Business on the African Continent – Reportback

gibbs-doldGarlicke & Bousfield were privileged to host the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry International Business Dialogue on “Africa MegaTrends” on 11 June 2015.

Mr Jeff Blackbeard, Africa Strategy Advisor to Moore Stephens CJL, presented his thoughts and advice in doing business on the African continent.  He discussed several of the vast opportunities that exist north of the South African border in terms of low competition, high population density and an increasingly more technologically connected target market.

The co-operation and support of African governments was also highlighted, especially where private companies partner with the public sector to deliver services to the population.

Jeff pointed out that a problem which South Africa also now faces, the lack of reliable power, could, however, also present tremendous opportunities for those businesses that offer creative energy solutions.

Doing business on the African continent is a long-term investment, notwithstanding bureaucratic issues and other challenges.  South African companies have a distinct advantage over other foreign competitors in that they are used to operating in some of the challenging African conditions such as heat, humidity and dust.  They are also used to being creative in solving unique business hurdles.

The evening proved to be a great success and definitely inspired those who attended.

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