Green holiday gift

In anticipation of one of our favourite times of year — the holiday season — Greenpop would like to alert you to a few of our gifts that keep on giving! Whether you are compiling a sustainable / charitable gift guide or featuring presents that are a bit off the beaten path, we have the perfect con-tree-bution for you!

Bamboo Tree Rings 

These beautiful laser cut bamboo key rings each represent a real tree planted in our projects in Southern Africa. The best part? They include the GPS coordinates of the forest where your tree is growing!

Each tree ring can be purchased for R140. You can find a reference image attached and we would be happy to send you professional product shots if need be.

Bamboo Tree Ring

Online Tree Sponsorship

Sponsor a tree online and Greenpop will send you a beautiful certificate which you can give to friends and family this festive season! Not only can you include their name and a personal message, but the certificate will also include the GPS coordinates of your tree!

The cost of sponsoring a tree is R120. You can find a reference image of the certificate attached.

Digital Holiday Tree Certificate

If you are interested in featuring either of these gift options or need more information please do not hesitate to get in touch ( / +27 21 461 9265)!

Green wishes,

Zoe (and the Greenpop elves)

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