SuperSport will be airing the documentary of Sally Little titled:
‘Capturing the Fire’.
It is also the title of her biography, which will be launched in May / June 2016 around the country.
We welcome you to contact; for more information about the book launches breakfasts with Sally Little and the SL Golf Invitational, which will take place in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg.
This will be a great occasion and will be celebrated by corporate, players, caddies, lovers of the game and, more importantly, the theme on how the game has grown amongst women with a strong angle of ‘golf, development and entrepreneurship’.
Sally Little is currently running her golf development ‘SNAG’ programme in Cape Town on the Cape Flats looking for the next Sally.
Sally Little launches her biography in Cape Town on the 18th May at the Table Bay Hotel and then followed with the Sally Little Golf Invitational at Metropolitan Golf Club. The second launch is on the 25th May at Durban country Club and concludes on the 2nd June at the Blue Valley Golf Estate.
Gary Players commends Sally little’s professional career and applauds her for putting so much effort into growing the game amongst the young ladies. He also goes on to highlight the importance of corporates supporting Sally Little and women’s professional golf in South Africa.