Life, The Road, Guitar Movie Trailer

Steve Newman & Tony Cox – Life, The Road, Guitar – THE MOVIE! (trailer)


Sourced from Tony Cox’s nearly forty year old archive of photographs, vhs tape, sound bites, cassette recordings and dvds. This film is a warm and engaging forty minute biopic on two of South Africa’s finest and well-loved musicians who happen to also have an extraordinary guitar duo spanning nearly four decades.

The Cox/Newman guitar duo is a musical phenomenon that began back in 1981, from there they quickly became an incredibly popular duo. Highly inventive, complex, comedic and always original, the music they play together demands the finest musical skills, skills that have brought a thousand audiences to their feet in thundering calls for more. Combine this with throw-away humour and you have a powerful mix of musical brilliance and sheer entertainment.

Follow Tony Cox on YouTube

Life, the Road, Guitar is a glimpse into two unique musician’s lives, highlighting certain years in almost four decades of performance together.

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