The Agony and the Eggstasy

2016 has been a turbulent year, with a plot afoot to usurp one of South Africa – and indeed the world’s – favourite icons from his long-held seat of power due to his exorbitant and seemingly endless financial demands that are putting pressure on our pockets. We are, of course, talking about the Easter Bunny.

gumtreeThe lesser known #EasterBunnyMustFall movement was born in January on the Colored Girls Rock! Community page, after the poster noticed that the price of Beacon Marshmallow Easter Eggs had risen to a rather steep R74,99 at her local shop. “I refuse…I won’t…I’m going to buy chomps…#easterbunnymustfall…He’s crazy…I can’t…I don’t want to…” she concluded, debating the purchase.

South Africans clearly shared her sentiments as the post quickly generated over 5000 likes and 6000 shares within hours.

But there is no need for protest action in the sweetie aisle just yet, says Claire Cobbbledick, Head of Marketing for Gumtree South Africa. “We’ve had a few bulk buyers selling the much-beloved egg boxes for R50 and less.”

There are also moulds for sale that would enable you to make your own eggs at home at a discount price.

But it seems that the egg inflation is a suitable reflection of  the job market for Easter Bunnies– Easter Bunny suits are selling for a whopping R3500 a pop  (seven times higher than the average Gumtree selling price for Santa suits over December, according to Cobbledick). “These suits are a little more elaborate than average, requiring ventilation and complex visors, which is why they are so pricey.”

And much like aspiring Santa Clauses, professional Bunnies can expect to earn about R250 to R350 per day. “And like Santa, a good mood and ability to tolerate crowds and heat are the only requirements!”

Cobbledick says that Gumtree expects to see a few more job ads for bunnies popping up closer to Easter and advises party planners to keep an eye posted on the job seeker category for candidates. But whether Bunnies put all their eggs in one basket or occasionally don a Santa suit will remain a mystery. “It’s definitely a trade secret that we aren’t privy to!”

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