Dear Friends of the Environment,
this is a bumper edition with news about WESSA’s 90th year of caring for the environment – as demonstrated by the 2 attachments on elephants and uranium mining in the Karoo.
The roof is just about complete at the Education Centre at the Botanical Garden and the attached wish list shows what support/sponsorship/donations are needed to get the Centre up and running…..
And of course the regular Newsletter – which is filled to the hilt.
We have 2 tours coming up:-
Knysna Basin Project – on 9th April – ideal for the whole family and
the Kammanassie Circuit, a guided geology tour on 21 May – a day spent driving through the landscape with roadside geology. (All details in the newsletter).
And our AGM on Tuesday, 19th April at 17h30 at and about the Garden Route Botanical Garden.
Feel free to circulate widely!
Christine Ridge-Schnaufer
Honorary Secretary
Tel: 044 873 4203 Fax: 086 646 5458