Extension of SLA between WorleyParsons RSA (PTY) Ltd and Eden District Municipality (Eden DM)

Council has appointed WorleyParsons during 2012, after a competitive bidding process was followed. WorleyParsons will co-ordinate and manage the Public/Private Parternship Process for the establshment of a Regional Landfill facility for the Eden district.

eden-dmOn 29 September 2016, the Eden DM Council will discuss the possible extension of a 2012 Service Level Agreement between WorleyParsons RSA (PTY) Ltd and Eden DM. Should the extension be approved, WorleyParsons will continue to provide services to Eden DM which started in June 2014. The contract will end in June 2018 or when the Public/Private Partnership process is concluded, whichever occurs first.

The following services will be rendered for the extended period:

  • Achieving Treasury Views and Recommendation ll(b) as provided for by the Municipal Public, Private Partnership Regulations, 1 April 2005;
  • Finalising Bidders Briefing Notes;
  • Bidders Negotiation in order to appoint the successful tenderer, public participation process as provided for in Section 33 of the Municipal Finance Management Act;
  • Achieving Treasury View and Recommendation lll as provided for by the Municipal Public, Private Partnership Regulations, 1 April 2005.

Eden DM specifically appointed WorleyParsons for the past 6 years to assist the Eden DM to enter into an agreement with a private partner to build and manage a Regional Landfill Facility for a period of ten (10) years.  This is the first initiative of its kind in the country

WorleyParsons has accepted the initial appointment and is willing to continue to render the contracted services to Eden DM as set out in the SLA. The concept agreement is available for public perusal on Eden District Municipality’s website at  http://bit.ly/2bZCbW1

In terms of Section 116 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, Act 56 of 2003, a contract of agreement procured through the Supply Chain Management policy, may be amended by the parties, but only after the local community has been given reasonable notice of the intention to amend the contract or agreement.”

The local community is henceforth invited to provide comments, if any, in writing to Mr Godfrey Louw, Municipal Manager, Eden District Municipality, 54 York Street, George or e-mail pa.mm@edendm.co.za before 26 September 2016.

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