Government Pension Administrator salutes Madoza

The GPAA wishes to join the multitudes of South Africans and express our sadness on the passing of Mandoza. As the pension administrator responsible for the financial well-being of diverse and yet united citizens of our country, we identify with the contribution made by Mandoza in uniting our people through his music.

Krishen Sukdev CEO: Government Pension Administration Agency
Krishen Sukdev.  CEO: Government Pension Administration Agency

The hit song, Nkalakatha transcended all barriers and continues to entertain all music lovers irrespective of their background. For this, we believe Mandoza was a true compatriot who left a mark in the consciousness of our nation. We are encouraged by Mandoza’s fighting spirit to the end. He performed a few days ago despite his illness because of his commitment to his trade. The GPAA says, gone too soon and rest in peace Godoba, you are a true real deal, Nkalakatha!

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