Eden District Municipality Head-Office going solar

Last week, the Eden District Municipality (Eden DM), officially launched the construction works of a Photovoltaic (PV) Plant at its main building in York Street, George.

During the launch of the PV Plant, were (back row, from left to right): Electrical Engineer, Mr Dave Gyndell, Eden DM’s Manager: Bulk Infrastructure, Mr Faan Van der Merwe, Portfolio Chairperson: Roads, Cllr Tertuis Simmers, Superintendent: Property Development & Maintenance, Mr Mario Appels, and Portfolio Chairperson: Corporate Services, Cllr Isaya Stimela. Front row (from left to right) are: Eden DM’s Chief Financial Officer, Ms Louise Hoek, Executive Deputy Mayor, Cllr Rosina Ruiters, Executive Manager: Corporate-/Strategic Services, Ms Trix Holtzhausen, Portfolio Chairperson: Rural Development, Cllr Joslyn Johnson, Portfolio Chairperson: Strategic Services, Cllr Erica Meyer, Portfolio Chairperson: Community Services, Cllr Khayalethu Lose, Executive Manager: Community Services, Mr Clive Africa, Mr André Anderson from Engeryneering, as well as Messrs Alex van der Westhuizen and Jandrey Glaeser from Trackos Projects, with (front, sitting) Eden DM’s, Handyman: Maintenance, Mr Wayne Cronjé.
During the launch of the PV Plant, were (back row, from left to right): Electrical Engineer, Mr Dave Gyndell, Eden DM’s Manager: Bulk Infrastructure, Mr Faan Van der Merwe, Portfolio Chairperson: Roads, Cllr Tertuis Simmers, Superintendent: Property Development & Maintenance, Mr Mario Appels, and Portfolio Chairperson: Corporate Services, Cllr Isaya Stimela.
Front row (from left to right) are: Eden DM’s Chief Financial Officer, Ms Louise Hoek, Executive Deputy Mayor, Cllr Rosina Ruiters, Executive Manager: Corporate-/Strategic Services, Ms Trix Holtzhausen, Portfolio Chairperson: Rural Development, Cllr Joslyn Johnson, Portfolio Chairperson: Strategic Services, Cllr Erica Meyer, Portfolio Chairperson: Community Services, Cllr Khayalethu Lose, Executive Manager: Community Services, Mr Clive Africa, Mr André Anderson from Engeryneering, as well as Messrs Alex van der Westhuizen and Jandrey Glaeser from Trackos Projects, with (front, sitting) Eden DM’s, Handyman: Maintenance, Mr Wayne Cronjé.

The erecting of the 476 solar panels, is foreseen to be an effective way in which the Municipality can save costs in the long run and reduce its carbon footprint, by generating energy to supply its main building, including its 24/7 Disaster Management Centre, with electricity.

Situated in the employee parking area, behind the building, the plant will have a capacity of 150 kW in peak time (11:00 to 14:00).

The existing shade cloth parking structures were replaced with more robust structures onto which the solar panels will be mounted. The parking area will still be utilised by the employees. According to Eden DM’s Manager: Bulk Infrastructure Services, Mr Faan Van der Merwe, each panel will be capable of generating 260 watts of power and will supply electrical energy to the Municipality’s main building by means of six grid-tied inverters, each capable of supplying 25 kW. “The grid tied inverter controls the power output, based on the demand of the building, the amount of sunlight available and hence the generator’s output,” Mr Van der Merwe added.

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