SAMA 23 Entries Now Open!

The Annual South African Music Awards (SAMAs) journey has officially begun with entries opening from today 1 November 2016 until 31 January 2017 – that’s a once off three month submission period.

2The awards are classified as the premier annual music awards event in South Africa honouring and recognising accomplishments in the South African recording industry, and to celebrate the diversity infused in the different music genres.

Produced and hosted under the auspices of The Recording Industry of South Africa (RISA), the awards showcases the country’s finest musical talent and awards the previous year’s star performers at a gala event that is broadcast live on TV.

The 23rd edition of the SAMA takes place in 2017.   Three more popular categories have been added for SAMA23 i.e. the Best African Indigenous Gospel album (Clap & Tap/Zion Music), Best Africa Artist album and Best AfroPop album. 

For further information of what comprises all categories represented in the SAMA, please visit our website on

The SAMA entries are open to all artists who have released an album between the 1st December 2015 and 31st January 2017.

The album must be commercially available in order to qualify for entry.

We encourage all recording artists and recording labels whose artists qualify, to submit their entries during this period.

As the only music awards event that recognises and awards the different music genres in South Africa, being in line to be considered for the coveted prized statuette is a monumental achievement (let alone winning it)for any South African artist, group, producer or engineer.

For more information on how to enter the SAMA’s, please visit our website on or visit , or call RiSA at 011 886 1342

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