Our whole area is in shock about the damage and loss to property suffered by the people in Knysna due to severe weather conditions we are experiencing in our Province – now is the time for all of us to take hands and show that we care.
Eden Fm as the Southern Cape Radiostation is making a call on our listeners, the community and businesses to join hands and support the people from Knysna.
The support can be in the form of Blankets, Food, Water, Eye Drops (for firefighters) or a cash contribution which we will hand over to the Municipality and Emergency Services. Donations can be made at the following collection points:
-At any of the Eden Fm studios in George (York Street), Oudtshoorn(at the Youth Café), Mosselbay(at the Thusong Centre) or Riversdale(at the Municipal offices)
– at the Mount View Resort in York Street George.
– at the Shell Truck Stop – Voorbaai Mosselbay – managed by the Mosselbay Rotary Club
– at the Lions Club in George.
Cash Contributions can be made into the Radiostation account at:
Eden Fm
FNB – George – Branch Code: 210114
Cheque Account nr: 6205 1441 625.
As Reference: Knysna Fire – and the name of your business.
(an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to your business)
Thank you that we can count on you to make a tangible contribution.
Ondersteuning aan die slagoffers van die Storm- en Brandskade in die Knysna gebied.
Ons hele area en gemeenskap is geskok oor die groot skade en verlies aan eiendom veral gisteraand in Knysna as gevolg van die uiterse weertoestande wat ons Provinsie getref het– en dit is nou tyd vir ons as gemeenskap om hande te vat en saam te wys dat ons omgee.
Eden Fm as die Suid Kaap se gemeenskapsradiostasie doen ‘n beroep op ons luisteraars , die breë gemeenskap en besighede om saam hande te vat en ondersteuning aan die mense van Knysna te gee.
Die ondersteuning kan wees in die vorm van Komberse, Kos, Water, Oogdruppels (vir brandbestryders) of ‘n Kontantbydrae , wat ons dan aan die Munisipaliteit en nooddienste oorhandig sal word. Skenkings kan by die volgende versamelpunte afgelewer word:
– Enige van die Eden Fm ateljees in George(Yorkstraat), Mosselbaai(Thusong Sentrum in ASLA Park), Riversdal(Munisipale kantore) of Oudtshoorn (Youth Café)
– By die Mountview Resort in Yorkstraat, George
– By die Lions Klub, Yorkstraat, George
– Shell Truckstop in Voorbaai, Louis Fourieweg, Mosselbaai.
Kontantbydraes kan direk in die radiostasie se bankrekeningnommer inbetaal word. Ons Bankbesonderhede is as volg:
Eden Fm
FNB – George – Takkode : 210114
Tjekrekeningnr: 6205 1441 625.
As Verwysing : Knysna Vuur – en u besigheid se naam.
( ‘n ontvangserkenningsbewys sal aan u besigheid gestuur word)
Baie dankie dat ons op hierdie wyse op u kan staatmaak om ‘n tasbare bydrae te maak.