SWD’s Rudy Claasen elected chairman of Western Cape Cricket Council

The president of South Western Districts Cricket, Mr Rudy Claassen, was elected as the first chairman of the newly founded Western Cape Cricket Council (WCCC) in a meeting that was held in Paarl on July, 15th 2017.

Rudy Claassen

The new body was founded as part of the geopolitical alignment process as prescribed in the National Sport and Recreation.

The members are the Western Province Cricket Association, Cricket Boland and South Western Districts Cricket. The six district municipalities in the Western Cape namely the Cape Metropole (Western Province), Overberg, West Coast, Cape Winelands (Boland), Eden and Central Karoo (SWD) will have representation via the structures of the provincial cricket federations. The WCC will, however, operate separately from Western Cape Cricket (Pty) Ltd who is responsible manage and administer professional cricket as the Cape Cobras with Western Province, Boland and SWD as the shareholders.

The primary objectives of the Western Cape Cricket Council will be to serve on the Members’ Council of Cricket South Africa and to co-operate with and implement directives from CSA in all matters relating to the administration of cricket in the Western Cape Geo-political Province.

Albertus Kennedy

In terms of proportional representation, the presidents of Western Province, Boland and SWD will have a seat at the Members’ Council. The body will promote, advance, administer, coordinate and generally encourage the game of cricket in the area of jurisdiction of the Western Cape Cricket Council. It will further identify schools that fall within the geopolitical demarcation in Western Cape and in the Municipal Districts of the province. It will further strive to actively strive towards a situation where resources for the playing of cricket are accessible to all persons desirous of playing cricket on an equal basis and to ensure that all the structures, which control administer or promote cricket in the jurisdiction of the Western Cape Cricket Council shall be unified and non-racial.

Mr Angelo Carolissen, the president of Cricket Boland was elected as Vice-President and the Chief Executive Officer of SWD Cricket, Albertus Kennedy, will be the General Secretary. Positions on the Executive Committee will rotate on an annual basis.

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