Why it’s important NOT to do any school work these holidays

Term 3 is over!  Parents, learners and teachers are looking forward to some much-needed time-out!  Alarm clocks, packed lunches, homework, and school-day routines are put aside for a few days, or so they should be!

Unfortunately, for so many parents and learners, Term 3 brings with it the less-anticipated school report and in so many cases, ensuing panic! After all, there is only one term left of the year and many parents feel that the October holiday should be used to focus on school work.  Cindy Glass, ex-teacher and Co-founder of education franchise, Step Up Education Centres strongly disagrees!

“Whether your child is in Grade 1 or Grade 12, whether your child is struggling or an achiever, I highly recommend that schoolwork take a vacation with your family this October!” Cindy says.

She explains why below…

1. Our kids are under so much pressure

Let’s look at the pressures of modern schooling: Learners are bombarded, non-stop, with tasks, assignments, homework, tests and exams.  On top of this, they have sporting and other cultural activities which keep them busy-often until late into the afternoons and even on weekends. Grade 12 learners have had the added pressure of trial exams.  It is just go, go go with no time for rest!

 2. Our kids are exhausted

It is so easy to fall into the ‘need-to-do-more, need-to-work-harder’ trap at this time of the year.  It is a trap because the idea of adding more pressure, more stress and more work to learners who are already exhausted is completely counter-productive. In fact, in my experience, it could even lead to a disastrous fourth term! 

 3. Our kids are burnt out

Consider the symptoms of burn-out in children: unusual aggression, tearfulness, fatigue, anxiety, panic attacks, apathy, rebelliousness, depression, low self-esteem, recurring infections and illnesses, impaired concentration and anti-social behaviours. Our children are not Duracell bunnies whose batteries can be replaced whenever they run out of energy or burn out!  A burnt-out child cannot learn effectively, and even less so, with added schoolwork!

 4. Our kids need to rest and relax

As South Africans, we love to braai on warm summer evenings. We are experts at building the perfect fire!  We all know that adding piles of charcoal or wood onto the fire without allowing it to breathe and grow would be counter-intuitive. The same can be said for our children. They need space to breathe, to relax and to engage in activities that make them happy, that are uplifting, fun and exciting!

“Consider the rewards of a happy, relaxed and rested child.  The brain can breathe! The mind has space to take in information more effectively! Learners will have more energy and experience an improved ability to concentrate and retain new information.  Taking a complete break these holidays can only have a positive effect on your child.  Just imagine what a rested, relaxed and happier child can achieve in Term 4!” Cindy concludes. 

About Step Up

Established in 2016, Step Up Education Centres is a dynamic after-school remediation and tutoring franchise with a difference. Step Up offers children an opportunity to succeed in a schooling system that is, at times, very unsympathetic.  From the moment, a child walks through a Step Up Education Centre doors they feel different.  They no longer feel silly or stupid. They no longer feel misunderstood. They no longer feel judged. After just one lesson they feel hope. They see possibility. After a few sessions, they walk taller, feel smarter, do better. Why? Because Step Up believes that every child has potential…And our passionate educators will not give up until they reach it!

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