Honda moves up a gear in robotic concepts

Honda will unveil its new 3E (Empower, Experience, Empathy) Robotics Concept at CES 2018, demonstrating a range of experimental technologies engineered to advance mobility and make people’s lives better.

Brian Joss – Expressing a variety of functions and designs, the advanced robotic concepts demonstrate Honda’s vision of a society where robotics and AI can assist people in many situations, such as disaster recovery, recreation and learning from human interaction to become more helpful and empathetic.

The Honda robots: making people’s lives easier. Picture: Quickpic

As part of the 3E Robotics Concept, Honda will reveal:

  • 3E-A18, a companion robotics concept that shows compassion to humans with a variety of facial expressions ●3E-B18, a chair-type mobility concept designed for casual use in indoor or outdoor spaces ●3E-C18, a small-sized electric mobility concept with multi-functional cargo space ●3E-D18, an autonomous off-road vehicle concept with AI designed to support people in a broad range of work activities In addition to the suite of robotics concepts, Honda will showcase its Mobile Power Pack World, which includes a portable, swappable battery pack for electric vehicles, and a re-charging system for use at home, recreation or during a natural disaster. The Mobile Power Pack World at CES will also exhibit a battery exchanger concept that can store and charge mobile power packs.

Global Innovator Showcase

Committed to creating transformative products through open innovation, Silicon Valley-based Honda Innovations will showcase new Honda Xcelerator partnerships with start-ups in the Global Innovator Showcase at CES. The Honda Xcelerator partners are:

  • BRAIQ bridges the gap between human preferences and artificial intelligence to personalize the driving style of autonomous vehicles.
  • DeepMap provides HD maps and real-time localization as a service for autonomous vehicles.
  • DynaOptics harnesses the power of free-form optics to bring superior situational awareness and safety to roads.
  • Tactual Labs brings real-time human body pose sensing to every surface and voxel.
  • WayRay is a Swiss developer of a holographic AR navigation system for advanced connected cars.

Last month Honda announced the Honda Xcelerator program will expand its engagement of start-up ecosystems in Japan, China, Detroit and Europe.

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