Dear Friends of the Environment,
in the rush to get the Newsletter out over the holiday weekend both Janet and I missed the fact that the header states “March” instead of April! You can tell that she has done the layout again – many thanks, Janet!
Please note that the AGM will take place on Saturday 14 April and the next – extremely interesting outing – will be to de Rust with only 20 participants. For this tour, a minimum donation of R50 will be appreciated.
Attached is also advance information on on a seminar titled “From devastation to restoration” scheduled early in June which many of you may be interested in attending.
And birders will be interested in the 2 SAN Parks attachments pertaining to information on Bird Flu in wild birds which Pat Nurse, Chair of the Lakes Birders has kindly supplied.
Garden Route Seminar Information Document 6-8 June 2018
SAN Parks info on Bird Flu page 1
SAN Parks info on Bird Flu page 2
WESSA Eden Newsletter April 2018
Enjoy the long weekend,
Christine Ridge-Schnaufer
Honorary Secretary
Tel: 044 873 4203 Fax: 086 646 5458