South Africa has the worst labour relations in the world

In the World Economic Forum’s latest World Competitiveness Report, South Africa has the worst labour-employee relations in the world, ranking 137 out of 137 countries.

“According to Gawie Cillié, employment relations expert and lecturer at the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB), the alarming result is directly linked to the low levels of trust between employers and employees in South Africa.” (BusinessTech Staff Writer, 2 May 2018)
To read the full article, please click here.
The level of employee engagement and therefore trust in a business is directly linked to the existing organisation climate (“how we feel about working here”). Climate consequently, is a direct outflow of the business’ culture (“the way we do things here”). The logical question now is: If the prevalent climate is a direct outflow of our culture, what is causing the prevailing culture?
The answer to that would be, the organisations’ values. The enactment of these values manifests in behaviour and the collective behaviour of the organisation’s employees, with emphasis on senior leaders, determines the organisation’s culture, which creates the climate. 
At Alfa & Omega NBS we are well positioned through our expert People Management Practices to offer the following services, which can help to increase the levels of employer/employee trust.

  • Change Enablement,
  • Leadership Development Inclusive of Emotional Intelligence
  • Organisational Design (Optimal Structures) and Role Profiles Development,
  • Reward Management,
  • Performance Management,
  • Employee Engagement and Climate Surveys,

Should you wish to discuss how we can help you improve your labour relations, please contact us at:

Dennis Farrell (Dr)

082 453 5480

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