WesBank’s “Motor Man” shifts up a gear

Brian Joss – WesBank’s Ghana Msibi has been appointed executive head of motor division, after spending time as the executive head: sales and marketing.

“It is important for WesBank, as part of FirstRand’s talent development strategy, to recognise the potential in our employees and groom our own,”

says CEO, Chris de Kock. “We are committed to developing our people and are fortunate to have our own home-grown talent available to take up opportunities such as this one.”

Msibi joined WesBank in 2015 and has held various senior positions within the WesBank Motor division. In his most recent post, Ghana led his team to commendable results in spite of an ever-changing vehicle market landscape.

Ghana has a profound understanding and passion for the motor industry. He is renowned for his knowledge of the business and has become known as the “Motor Man” in industry circles. Msibi’s strong background in risk and compliance stands him in good stead when advocating a business model that is dynamic yet robust enough to match any sales channel. Be it via an OEM or dealer partner, it’s important to him to continue nurturing WesBank’s solid relationships won over decades and generations.

“As executive head of Motor,” says de Kock, “Ghana will dedicate his time to further entrenching WesBank in the market and to providing strategic alignment and continued support to dealers and OEMs. He will continue to bring his 16-year financial services experience and knowledge to the business and grow it alongside his team to greater heights.”

CAPTION: Moving up: Ghana Msibi, executive head of Motor division, WesBank.  Picture: Motorpress

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