WESSA Eden Newsletter March

Dear Friends of the Environment,

apologies for the lateness of this month’s Newsletter.

Sadly we have to say farewell to Janet who has added such value to our Newsletters by doing the layout. She and her husband are off to foreign shores. Thanks for all your hard work Janet! We wish you both a wonderful time with exciting new experiences.

As they say, where one door slams shut, another creaks open…..

Wilmarie Nel joined us at our March Committee meeting and offered to use Janet’s editing programme to maintain the high level of our Newsletter. That has proved to be more of a challenge than expected…but now it is done!

WESSA Eden Mar 19 Newsletter

These are the next dates to diarise – all details in the Newsletter.

Thursday 14 March – Workshop on combating the Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer Beetle hosted by Glenwood Lodge.

This comes probably too late for many of you to attend but Glenwood Lodge will be holding more workshops in future. Please contact them directly if you would like to participate.

Our next event will be the Shoreline Triple Whammy on Saturday 23 March 

The WESSA Eden AGM will be held on Monday 15 April at 18h00 and we will celebrate another busy year with Cheese and Wine and Mark Dixon as our speaker.

Saturday 18 May – A visit to Rolbaken hosted by Mary and Dick Carr seeing how a denuded farm returns to being a natural and protected area.

We hope you will support these a events.

Regards, Christine

Christine Ridge-Schnaufer
Honorary Secretary
Tel: 044 873 4203 Fax: 086 646 5458
e-mail: wessageorge@isat.co.za

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