WESSA Eden Newsletter March 2020

Dear Friends of the Environment,

in addition to the WESSA Eden Newsletter for March please find attached information on the City Nature Challenge and the Report on the International Coastal Clean-Up of last year. It makes for interesting reading.


2019 RSA International Coastal Cleanup Report

GardenRouteCNC2020 – General Info sf 2Feb2020

Please do sign up on iNaturalist and start uploading observations. The trend is ever-increasing and by the end of April we should be seriously humming!

Feel free to circulate far and wide!

Regards, Christine

Christine Ridge-Schnaufer
Honorary Secretary                                               Garden Route City Nature Challenge 2020
WESSA EDEN                                                        24-27 April

Tel: 044 873 4203                                                 Tel: 044 873 4203

e-mail: wessageorge@isat.co.za                         e-mail:  grd.cnc@gmail.com
www.wessalife.org.za                                           Garden Route City Nature Challenge
www.facebook.com/wessa.eden                         City Nature Challenge 2020: Garden Route

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