South Africa undoubtedly has some of the world’s most remarkable, beautiful, and diverse wildlife on the planet. From elephants and giraffes to cape buffalo and the tsessebe, it is a melting pot of nature.
However, there are also a number of pests that are far from welcome in your home, whether you are simply visiting South Africa or living here for the rest of your life. These six pests are inconvenient and occasionally dangerous, so knowing how to avoid them, prevent them from taking over, and knowing who to contact about them is essential.
Pest control
Pests tend to be members of the animal kingdom, but there are some forms of vegetation that you would also prefer to eradicate from your territory. Either way, some simple steps, and some professional advice go a long way to keeping yourself safe.
1. Cockroaches
The biggest attraction for cockroaches is dirt. Keeping your whole house clean – especially your kitchen – is vital for preventing too many cockroaches. Your food should be kept in sealed containers anyway but take special care to do so if you have noticed cockroaches as this will deter them from returning. Take out your trash regularly and, where possible, block up entry points to your home.
2. Termites
Extremely dangerous and damaging to your home’s structural integrity, termites are found throughout South Africa. Both the Subterranean and the Dry Wood termite can weaken your home, especially when timber is assaulted. Reduce how much wood to soil contact there is throughout your home and attempt to keep foundations clear. What this means is removing plants, paper, and cardboard from where the building meets the ground.
3. Wasps
The most trusted and surefire way to remove wasps is to contact They can remove the wasps safely without endangering yourself. To prevent a wasp infestation, keep trash cans tightly shut and, if possible, at a distance from your home. Check regularly for nests around your home so that you can have them removed before it gets out of hand.
4. Weeds
Weeds are a type of vegetation pest that can extremely easily take over your outdoor space, causing harm to your other plants. Always remove weeds from their root and take care not to water them when watering other plants. Using mulch prevents them from growing.
5. Birds
The birds of southern Africa are varied and precious, but some are considered pests, including pigeons, seagulls, and Indian mynahs, for example. If you can, avoid having standing water in your garden and always keep trash cans emptied and covered. Using a tree surgeon to ensure no branches come too close to your house structure is also a useful method of keeping them away from your home.
6. Rats
Rats are considered pests around the world. Some simple measures you can take to prevent them from infesting your home include setting traps (humane if you can), keeping plants away from your home, and filling in cracks and gaps around your house structure.