August is Water Quality Month

August is Water Quality Month so we will be helping the 20 Respondents in Plett to make their lives easier by offering them a complimentary Domestic Water Assessment*

Did you know that there is a chance that, if your geyser malfunctioned, you may not be covered by insurance because these facts:

  1. Most geysers are not compliant with South African National Standards 10252 and 10254.
  2. If your geyser is not compliant, your insurance could deny your geyser claim as you will need a Plumbing Institute Registration Board Certificate of Compliance.
  3. We are offering 20 Plett Homeowners a free Domestic Water Compliancy Assessment* during Water Quality Month.
  4. Then we can provide you with a PIRB Certificate of Compliance for your insurance.
  5. If there are any issues, we can quote upfront and find the best way to fix them.

This offer is open to the first 20 Plettonians who contact us for a free Domestic Water Assessment during August 2020.

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