Globally, industries are turning to digitally integrated solutions that promise to bring an increase in productivity and efficiency, resulting in…
Progress in establishment of Agri-Parks in W Cape
The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform is pleased with the progress made toward the establishment of Agri-Parks in…
EU lifts ban on South African ostrich meat imports
The European Union has lifted a four-year ban on the import of fresh ostrich meat from South Africa which was…
Southern Cape avos hit European shores
The new South African avocado season has started with small shipments which are due to arrive in Europe this week.…
Honeybush tea in danger of extinction
One of South Africa’s favourite and rarest indigenous herbal teas, Honeybush, is in danger of extinction. Conservationists blame unsustainable harvesting practices…
FARE Panel begins engagements with agriculture stakeholders
9 May 2013 Recent conflicts in rural areas have shown that the challenges facing the Western Cape agriculture sector are…
SA wants ban on ostrich meat lifted
CAPE TOWN – The South African Ostrich Business Chamber on Saturday expressed its relief that the recent outbreak of bird…
Good news for ostrich farmers
CAPE TOWN – There is some good news for the Western Cape’s ostrich industry. Agriculture officials have on Wednesday told…
Another case of bird flu
CAPE TOWN – A new case of bird flu has been detected on a farm in Oudtshoorn in the Western…
Grootste veiling van volstruise
’n Rekordgetal broeivoëls is op die negende volstruisveiling op die Oudtshoorn-navorsingsplaas te koop. Die Wes-Kaapse departement van landbou se Oudtshoorn-navorsingsplaas…
Volstruisuitvoer dalk gou hervat
Volstruisboere buite die Wes-Kaapkanmoontlik Januarie 2013 die uitvoer van volstruisvleis na hervat. Volstruisboere buite die Wes-Kaapkanmoontlik so vroeg as Januarie…
Urgent action needed for Ostrich industry
CAPE TOWN– The South African government has formed a task team to deal with the Avian Influenza currently decimating the…
Taakspan aangestel om oplossings vir die volstruisbedryf te vind
KAAPSTAD. – ’n Taakspan is aangestel om oplossings vir die “ernstige krisis” in die volstruisbedryf in die Wes-Kaap te vind.…
Elgin Free Range Chickens expand to the Garden Route Do you want to eat superior quality free range chicken which is drug-free, stress-free, antibiotic-free, and animal by-product-free then…
Trae aksie teen voëlgriep moet stop
Tyd moenie gemors word met die allerlei vertolkings van toetsuitslae voordat besluit word om besmette volstruise te slag nie, het…
Langkloof juig oor groot appel-oes
Die appel-oes in die Langkloofkanvanjaar die helfte groter wees en die beste oes die afgelope vyf jaar, sê mnr. André…
Volstruis-uitvoer weer vertraag
Die uitvoer van volstruisvleis na die Europese Unie sal met ‘n verdere drie maande vertraag word nadat die H5N2-virus weer…
Goeie nuus vir Langkloof se vrugteboere
Vier jaar van swaarkry met vloede, droogtes en skade aan oeste en bome het vrugteboere in die Langkloof nou rede…
Western Cape Government Prevents Chaos in the Already Suffering Ostrich Industry
“The quick response and teamwork from the Western Cape Government has averted potential chaos in the Oudtshoorn ostrich industry,” Gerrit…