AfriForum’s branches in the Southern Cape made their voices heard at the public consultation sessions on the Basic Education Laws…
Garden Route students (17) graduate after completing Cater Care Training Programme
Friday, 31 January 2020, marked another prestigious highlight for representatives of the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) and the Francois…
Injongo Project in Philippi opens newly refurbished Educare Centre
“We have managed to succeed on this project for it to turn out to be a beautiful school,” says David…
Cape Town-based Start-Up, iXperience, collaborates with America’s University of Virginia to reshape higher education
iXperience – a Cape Town-based education boot camp – and the University of Virginia (UVA) – a top-ranked American university…
Brightening the future of learners at Steilhoogte Primary
The Stellar Foundation helps to realise ideas and inspirations to change a community. It was set up as an independent…
Women who took the Leap
Girls make up 63 percent of learners from LEAP Science & Maths Schools, a network of low-fee schools situated in…
Mandela Day – A Can Do Attitude for LEAP Science & Maths Schools
This Mandela Day, 200 learners from LEAP Science and Maths Schools will join volunteers in constructing a massive Nelson Mandela…
The Increased Need for Physical Education in Today’s Schools
The days of developing gross motor skills in children by letting then climb trees and fine motor skills by helping…
Uitstekende bywoning by FEDSAS se SBL-opleiding
Dit is geen geheim dat die skoolbeheerliggaamverkiesings (SBL-verkiesings) wat in Maart plaasgevind het, ’n groot sukses by talle skole regoor…
Terugvoering oor Maartmaand se SBL-verkiesings
Baie dankie aan al die ouers, familielede, organisasies en ander aandeelhouers wat nie net hul kind se toekoms nie, maar…
Die laaste dag waarmee jy ’n verskil in jou kind se skool kan maak
Paasnaweek is op ons wat beteken dat almal al heelweek uitsien na ’n lekker langnaweek saam hul familie en vriende…
Gebruik jou demokratiese reg van stem om ’n verskil te maak
Die skoolbeheerliggaamverkiesing is van toepassing op elke ouer, familielid, organisasie en alle ander aandeelhouers. Die maand van Maart het slegs…
Shamwari Conservation Sponsors New School Teacher
March 12, 2018 – Through the kind efforts and donations from past Shamwari Conservation Experience students, from various schools and colleges…
The I Love my School Campaign
The I Love my School campaign was started to drive an emotive narrative to get parents and other stakeholders to…
Shell’s numeracy programme helps Western Cape primary school embrace Maths
Since 2011, Shell South Africa, in partnership with The Maths Centre, has offered a flagship educational initiative focused on improving…
Developing environments where special needs learners can thrive
Nearly three-quarters of South African children living with disabilities are currently not in school.* As we observe Child Health Month…
Novus Holdings continues partnership with Department of Basic Education to equip learners
Novus Holdings has been awarded a workbook printing contract from the Department of Basic Education (DBE) for a three-year period…
Alison celebrates 200,000 learners in South Africa
Galway, Ireland – 23 March 2017: South African people are taking to the internet in greater numbers than ever before…
Academy for Environmental Leadership SA receives NQF level 5 accreditation
The Academy for Environmental Leadership South Africa (AEL) has been successful in its application to accredit its year-long course Higher…
Developing reading skills to help children triumph against dyslexia
There were two important educational issues in the local and international spotlight during September and October 2016: Literacy Day, observed…
Slypsteen building bridges
Slypsteen’s vision of building bridges and sound relationships while practicing the principle of UBUNTU, gained momentum after recent discussions with…
International School of Cape Town outshines at Cambridge A Level exams
The International School of Cape Town, an independent, co-educational international school offering quality British education to local and foreign students,…